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I am a group provider with multiple NPIs associated with my Medicaid ID. How do I complete the provider revalidation process?

Your revalidation notification letter will list all of the NPIs associated with your Medicaid ID. The revalidation notification letter will identify one NPI as being the primary NPI associated with your Medicaid ID.  Complete the provider revalidation application for the primary NPI following the standard procedure. Within 30 days from the date on the revalidation notification letter, all other NPIs attached to your Medicaid ID will need to complete an online provider enrollment application. To access the online provider enrollment application, copy and paste into your browser. This ensures that the billing process continues uninterrupted. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am a medical clinic and I see that other medical clinics are revalidating in June and July 2015. I haven’t received my revalidation notification letter yet. What should I do?

All medical clinics will revalidate within June, July or August 2015. If your clinic’s address information has changed recently and needs to be updated, please fax or mail a letter requesting an address change to MCCS Provider Enrollment on company letterhead. The Provider Enrollment fax number is (803) 870-9022. The address is Medicaid Provider Enrollment, P.O. Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. The letter should include the provider’s legacy and NPI numbers, as well as the new address, along with the provider’s or an authorized person’s signature and a contact person’s name and telephone number in case there are any questions. Once the address information is updated and the revalidation notification letter is re-sent, the provider will still have 30 days from the date on the original revalidation notification letter to fully complete the provider revalidation process. If your clinic’s address information has not changed recently or has changed recently but the address change procedure was followed correctly, your revalidation notification letter will be mailed later in summer 2015. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am a Medicare provider who has revalidated with Medicare. Do I need to revalidate with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid?

Yes, if you want to maintain your enrollment with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am a provider in a stand-alone dental office. Do I need to revalidate with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid?

I am a provider with multiple NPIs attached to my Medicaid ID. I completed the provider revalidation application for my primary NPI. Why are my claims being rejected?

Within 30 days from the date on the revalidation notification letter, all other NPIs attached to your Medicaid ID will need to complete an electronic provider enrollment application. To access the online provider enrollment application, copy and paste into your browser. If you did not complete an electronic provider enrollment application for all non-primary NPIs associated with your Medicaid ID and you wish to continue billing with those NPIs, claims for those NPIs will be rejected. You may resubmit claims once you have received confirmation that the electronic provider enrollment application is complete. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am also a Medicare provider and I have paid the provider revalidation fee to Medicare. Do I need to pay the South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation fee?

No, not if you have paid your Medicare fee in the last 12 months. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am an individual provider who is affiliated with or linked to multiple organizations. Do I need to revalidate for all of the organizations where I am affiliated or linked?


The provider revalidation application allows you to list multiple organizations that you may be affiliated with or linked to. You will need to include every group you are associated with currently. You do not need to complete a provider revalidation application for each group. The group provider is responsible for provider revalidation. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am an out of state South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider who has paid the provider revalidation fee for the state where I practice. Do I need to pay the South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation fee?

No, not if you have paid your Medicare fee in the last 12 months. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am an out of state South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider, and I have already revalidated with my state. Do I need to revalidate with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid?

Yes, if you want to maintain your enrollment with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I am currently under review by Program Integrity. Do I need to complete the provider revalidation application?

I am under review by Program Integrity and I am required to have a site visit for the Program Integrity Process. Am I required to have a separate site visit for provider revalidation?

I cannot enter all of the characters in a procedure code or a diagnosis code. Can you help me?

Remove decimal points from the code. To start afresh, backspace to the beginning of the field or highlight the characters in the code and press delete.

I did not receive my TAD. Can you fax/mail a copy?

MCCS can send a copy of the TAD when requested.

I enrolled after 12/03/2012. Am I required to go through the provider revalidation process?

You are not required to go through this current provider revalidation process. You will be notified of the next provider revalidation process when it begins. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I’m concerned about entering my payment information on the website. Is the website secure?

Yes, the website is secure. South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid uses the national standard in website security software to ensure that the information entered onto the site is secure. Revalidation FAQs PDF

I’m concerned about entering my social security number or other identifying information on the provider revalidation website. Is the website secure?

Yes, the website is secure. South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid uses the national standard in website security software to ensure that the information entered onto the site is secure. Revalidation FAQs PDF

If a Health Insurance Information Referral Form (HIIRF) is completed with no documentation, will the member's TPL record be updated?

No, MIVS will further investigate and draft a letterhead showing steps taken.

If a member isn’t eligible, will the Web Tool show ineligible?

Yes, information is listed in red.

If a plan doesn’t cover family planning, do we bill to Medicaid and send the EOB?

Certain services are “carved out”, not covered, by the MCOs and MHNs. Those services can be billed directly to SC Medicaid. You do not need to bill to the managed care plan for a denial.

If doing a void/replace adjustment, does the Form 130 go along with the CMS-1500 claim form?

Yes, the replacement claim will be attached to the Form 130.

If I delete a person from the Web Tool list and the person returns, do I have to re-enter all of the information?

Yes. Once an entry is deleted, it is lost. You can choose to make the entry inactive, so you won’t see it.

If I do not receive the revalidation notification letter, what can I do?

Have you recently changed your mailing address? Was the proper procedure followed to inform SCDHHS of the change? To update your address, please fax or mail a letter requesting an address change to MCCS Provider Enrollment on company letterhead. The Provider Enrollment fax number is (803) 870-9022. The address is Medicaid Provider Enrollment, P.O. Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. The letter should include the provider’s legacy and NPI numbers, as well as the new address, along with the provider’s or an authorized person’s signature and a contact person’s name and telephone number in case there are any questions. Once the address information is updated and the revalidation notification letter is remailed, the provider will still have 30 days from the date on the original revalidation notification letter to fully complete the provider revalidation process.

If you have not recently changed your mailing address, please remember that South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation will occur in phases beginning in June 2015 and ending in March 2016. Providers should not take any steps to revalidate until they receive their revalidation notification letters. If you have not received a revalidation notification letter and your contact information is current with SCDHHS that is a strong indication that your provider revalidation phase has not begun.

Revalidation FAQs PDF

If I have a difficult payer, do I need to complete a reasonable effort document?

Yes you can. It is to show efforts made to obtain other payments from other insurers.

If I have two separate claims for one member, do I have to enter the claim information twice on Web Tool?

Yes, you would have to submit two different claims. You can go to your submitted claim bucket and copy the claim with additional edits and changes and then resubmit it instead of rekeying two claims.

If I send a HIIRF, will I see anything saying it was received?

No, just wait a few days and check eligibility again.

If I submit a claim through a vendor, will I be able to view it under Web Tool’s History?


If I think my revalidation notification letter is lost in the mail, can I call the Provider Service Center and have someone give me my revalidation reference number over the phone?

No. The only way to access your revalidation reference number is to have your revalidation notification letter remailed to you. Revalidation FAQs PDF

If my third party has several addresses, which one do I choose?

You would contact the company to find out which address is for your service area.

If providers aren’t getting remits, who can they contact?

Provider Service Center/EDI

If the member doesn’t have an ID number for the MCO, how do we obtain it?

Contact the MCO.

If the member had Champus or Tri-Care and it paid 100%, why would I need to file to Medicaid?

You would need to file to Medicaid for reporting purposes and for seeing the claim through from beginning to end. 

If the Web Tool says they have 2 visits but the member goes somewhere else, how do we know if they have anymore visits?

Web Tool is updated nightly; you should always check and if they are out of visits, let them know before providing services.

If you are checking a new person’s eligibility, can you add them to your member list from that screen? Yes, there is a button to do that.

Yes, there is a button to do that.

If you are missing information, will the Web Tool process the claim anyway?

Yes and no; there are basic required fields that are denoted by asterisks, however if you forget modifiers, the Web Tool won’t recognize that.

If you copy an entire Web Tool batch over, can you choose which claims to submit?


If you have a multiline claim and only one line needs recouping, you still complete an adjustment?

Yes, claims are 100% adjusted, all lines will be replaced.

If you have primary diagnosis codes, do you have to add additional codes?

No, you just need the primary code.

If you know a service isn’t covered, do you still file to the other carrier?

Yes, you still file to the other carrier to obtain a valid denial. Three denials should be kept on file each year.

If you make an error and you submit the claim on the Web Tool, is there a way to cancel or make a correction that same day?

Once a claim is submitted via the Web Tool, there is no way to cancel or make a correction to the submitted claim that same day.  Once the claim has gone through the payment cycle, you will be able to see if the claim has been rejected, paid, or suspended.  You will then be able to make corrections to the claim before resubmitting as a new claim.

In the Web Tool's status section, do claims purge based on batch ID?

They purge based on the check date.

Is an adjustment only done when you have been paid?

Yes, only paid claims can receive an overpayment or underpayment.

Is an eligibility signature required for termination? (Nursing Home)

No signature is required for terminations.

Is revalidating as a provider the same thing as recertifying or updating my provider credentials?

In South Carolina, no, provider revalidation is not the same thing as recertification. However, some states use terms such as “revalidating,” “recertifying” or “recredentialing” interchangeably.  South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation could possibly be different from other states’ recertification process and certification updates required for specific provider types. For example, a certified nurse practitioner who is also a Medicaid provider needs to ensure that they have completed the provider revalidation process with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid and that they have been recertified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. The two processes are separate. Revalidation FAQs PDF

Is the credit balance report replacing other credit balance reivews I receive from other agencies?

The Medicaid Credit Balance Report is not replacing the current credit balance reviews performed by other reviewing agencies. Providers are not to report other agencies’ identified claims on the Medicaid Credit Balance Report - this may cause possible duplication of claim recoupment. Providers impacted by such reviews need to continue their current procedure in responding to any correspondence received from other agencies’ credit balance reviews.

Is the date of discharge for Nursing Facilities or Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) / Mental Retardation (MR) room and board Medicaid reimbursable?

Nursing Facilities and ICFs/MR are not reimbursed for the date of discharge.

Nursing Facilities and ICFs/MR should not invoice hospice agencies for the date of discharge. The date of hospice discharge for a reason other than death or transfer to another facility is billed to Medicaid.

For example: If the person was in an NF or ICF/MR facility from Feb. 1 to Feb. 23, 2013, and was enrolled in hospice from Feb. 1 to Feb. 14, 2013, the hospice would pay NF or ICF/MR the room and board for Feb. 1 to Feb. 13, 2013. Medicaid would pay the NF or ICF/MR for dates of service from Feb. 14 to Feb. 22, 2013. 

Is the EFT form used for MCOs as well?

No, they have their own forms and billing systems.

Is the Web Tool claim ID number automatically entered?


Is the Web Tool updated daily?

Yes, the Web Tool is updated every night.

Is there a limit to the number of claims in a Web Tool batch?

There is not a limit to the number of claims in a batch.

Is there a way to find a claim in History if you had not submitted it through the Web Tool?

No; you can only view that claim’s status.

Is this the same thing as the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) revalidation process?

The provider revalidation process for South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers and South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid DME suppliers is the same. The timeline is different. DME suppliers need to revalidate every three years. Revalidation FAQs PDF

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