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Frequently Asked Questions
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I am an individual provider who is affiliated with or linked to multiple organizations. Do I need to revalidate for all of the organizations where I am affiliated or linked?
The provider revalidation application allows you to list multiple organizations that you may be affiliated with or linked to. You will need to include every group you are associated with currently. You do not need to complete a provider revalidation application for each group. The group provider is responsible for provider revalidation. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
How do I complete the provider revalidation process?The provider revalidation application is available exclusively online. When it is time to revalidate your enrollment as a provider, you will receive a revalidation notification letter. You have 30 days from the date on the revalidation notification letter to complete and submit the provider revalidation application in its entirety with all current information. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
I am currently under review by Program Integrity. Do I need to complete the provider revalidation application? | |
How will I know that I need to begin the provider revalidation process?When it is time to revalidate your enrollment as a South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider, you will receive a revalidation notification letter in the mail. The revalidation letter will contain detailed instructions for the revalidation process and a revalidation reference number that is specific to each provider. You will use this information to access the provider revalidation application online. You will need to complete and submit the provider revalidation application in its entirety with all current information. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
I am a medical clinic and I see that other medical clinics are revalidating in June and July 2015. I haven’t received my revalidation notification letter yet. What should I do?All medical clinics will revalidate within June, July or August 2015. If your clinic’s address information has changed recently and needs to be updated, please fax or mail a letter requesting an address change to MCCS Provider Enrollment on company letterhead. The Provider Enrollment fax number is (803) 870-9022. The address is Medicaid Provider Enrollment, P.O. Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. The letter should include the provider’s legacy and NPI numbers, as well as the new address, along with the provider’s or an authorized person’s signature and a contact person’s name and telephone number in case there are any questions. Once the address information is updated and the revalidation notification letter is re-sent, the provider will still have 30 days from the date on the original revalidation notification letter to fully complete the provider revalidation process. If your clinic’s address information has not changed recently or has changed recently but the address change procedure was followed correctly, your revalidation notification letter will be mailed later in summer 2015. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
How long do I have to complete the provider revalidation process?You have 30 days from the date on the revalidation notification letter to complete and submit your provider revalidation application in its entirety with all current information. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Will I need a site visit?All moderate and high risk providers will need a site visit. The site visit must occur within 30 days from the date on the revalidation notification letter. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
What do I need to do to prepare for a site visit?You will receive a site visit form with this information after your site visit has been scheduled. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Do I need to contact South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid to schedule a site visit?No. If a site visit is needed, a Provider Relations Representative will contact you. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |