Learning Resources
South Carolina Medicaid acronyms
Browse the glossary using this index
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
ACAAffordable Care Act | |
ADAAmerica Dental Association | |
AFDC | |
AG | |
ASOAdministrative Services Organization | |
B |
BCBS | |
C |
CARCClaim Adjustment Reason Codes | |
CCN | |
CCRChange Control Record | |
CLTCCommunity Long-Term Care | |
CMSCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services | |
COBCoordination of Benefits | |
CPT | |
CSOCare Coordination Services Organization | |
D |
DDSNDepartment of Disabilities and Special Needs | |
DEERSDefense Eligibility and Enrollment Reporting System | |
DHEC | |
DHHS | |
DMEDurable Medical Equipment | |
DMHDepartment of Mental Health | |
DOBDate of Birth | |
DOSDate of Service | |
DSSDepartment of Social Services | |
DVRDepartment of Vocational Rehabilitation | |
E |
ECFEdit Correction Form | |
EDI | |
EFTElectronic Funds Transfer | |
EMPSEmployee Performance Management System | |
EOB | |
EOMBExplanation of Medicare Benefits | |
EREmergency Room | |
ERA | |
ESRDEnd Stage Renal Disease | |
F |
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions | |
FFS | |
FOIA | |
FTP | |
G |
GAPS | |
H |
HCK | |
HIIRFHealth Insurance Information Referral Form | |
HIPPHealth Insurance Premium Payment Program | |
HMO | |
I |
IPCIntegrated Personal Care | |
ISPInternet Service Provider | |
IVRSInteractive Voice Response System | |
L |
LIF | |
LMS | |
M |
MARS | |
MCCSMedicaid Claims Control System | |
MCOManaged Care Organization | |
MEDSMedicaid Eligibility Determination System | |
MHNMedical Homes Network | |
MIVS | |
MMISMedicaid Management Information System | |
N |
NPI | |
O |
OCOther Coverage | |
OIGOffice of Inspector General | |
OSS | |
P |
P/RSPCEPreventive and Rehabilitative Services for Primary Care Enhancement | |
PAPrior Authorization | |
PACEProgram of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) program | |
PCCMPrimary Care Case Management | |
PCP | |
PEPPhysician Enhanced Program | |
PHI | |
PMPMPer-Member-Per-Month | |
POSPoint of Sale | |
PSCProvider Service Center | |
Q |
QIQualifying Individual | |
QMBQualified Medicare Beneficiary | |
R |
RA | |
RARCRemittance Advice Reason Codes | |
REFReasonable Effort | |
S |
SAOState Auditor’s Office | |
SCHASouth Carolina Hospital Association | |
SCHCCSouth Carolina Healthy Connections Choices | |
SCMSASouth Carolina Medicaid Service Area | |
SCMWBCSTSouth Carolina Medicaid Web Based Claims Submission Tool | |
SLMBSpecial Low Income Medicare Beneficiary | |
SSASocial Security Administration | |
SSISupplemental Security Income | |
SURSSurveillance and Utilization Review System | |
T |
TADTurn Around Document | ||
TPA | |
TPL | |
U |
URL | |
V |
VAVeteran’s Administration | |
VRVoid/Replacement | |
W |
WIC | |
WMCCMedically Complex Children’s Waiver Program | |
WT | |