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Frequently Asked Questions
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Can you copy a Web Tool batch and then later delete an individual claim?Yes, you can copy batches and delete selected claims. | |
Do I have to request another Login and Password if more than one person wants to use the Web Tool?Yes, all users must have their own individual login ID and Password to access the Web Tool. If more than one user tries to login under the same login ID and Password, they will receive a denial message. | |
What form needs to be completed for access to the Web Tool?The trading partner agreement form needs to be completed. | |
When I try to change my Web Tool password, it keeps saying I haven’t met the criteria. What should I do?The system recognizes when your password does not meet the password requirements. However, if you have reviewed your selected password and it does meet the password requirements, contact the EDI Support Center at 1-888-289-0709, and choose Option “1”. | |
Would you ever get locked out of the Web Tool if you put your password in wrong?No, there is no limit on password attempts. | |
Does Suspended mean processing?No; Suspended means that the claim is in review. | |
Does Web Tool’s Status show whether it is approved to be paid?Yes | |
How soon does information show up in Web Tool’s Status?After payments process | |
If I submit a claim through a vendor, will I be able to view it under Web Tool’s History?No | |
If providers aren’t getting remits, who can they contact?Provider Service Center/EDI | |