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Frequently Asked Questions
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How do patients learn updated information?Patients learn of updates at their enrollment anniversary dates, or you may share information with them. | |
Is an adjustment only done when you have been paid?Yes, only paid claims can receive an overpayment or underpayment. | |
Can you add beneficiaries or other information to the TAD for me? | |
Is an eligibility signature required for termination? (Nursing Home)No signature is required for terminations. | |
Can you assist with Medicaid/bed hold billing procedures?An authorized SNF 181 along with a separate Medicare-to-Medicaid bed hold billing 181 is required. | |
What is the physical address to over-night a TAD?The PO boxes and physical address are included in the Provider manual as well as on the mailing envelope. For regular mail:Medicaid Claims Receipt – NF Claims SectionNursing HomesP.O. Box 100122Columbia, SC 29202-3122 Medicaid Claims Receipt – NF Claims SectionOSS/IPC/Hospice:P.O. Box 67Columbia, SC 29202 For UPS, FedEx, etc.Medicaid Claims Receipt – NF Claims Section or CRCF Claims Section8901 Farrow RoadColumbia, SC 29203NOTE: Late change forms should be sent overnight or faxed, with all attachments, to (803) 870-9020. Forms should not be faxed unless they are sent past the deadline. Faxed corrections should be received no later than the third working day of each month for Nursing Home providers and the 17th day of the month for OSS providers. | |
Can you correct the 181/CRCF-01 form? | |
I did not receive my TAD. Can you fax/mail a copy? | |
Should claims returned on Form 017 or 017CI without processing be re-filed? | |
What happens if my DHHS Form 181, CRCF 01 or IPC form is not received on time or is not received at all? | |