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Frequently Asked Questions
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If I do not receive the revalidation notification letter, what can I do?Have you recently changed your mailing address? Was the proper procedure followed to inform SCDHHS of the change? To update your address, please fax or mail a letter requesting an address change to MCCS Provider Enrollment on company letterhead. The Provider Enrollment fax number is (803) 870-9022. The address is Medicaid Provider Enrollment, P.O. Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. The letter should include the provider’s legacy and NPI numbers, as well as the new address, along with the provider’s or an authorized person’s signature and a contact person’s name and telephone number in case there are any questions. Once the address information is updated and the revalidation notification letter is remailed, the provider will still have 30 days from the date on the original revalidation notification letter to fully complete the provider revalidation process. If you have not recently changed your mailing address, please remember that South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation will occur in phases beginning in June 2015 and ending in March 2016. Providers should not take any steps to revalidate until they receive their revalidation notification letters. If you have not received a revalidation notification letter and your contact information is current with SCDHHS that is a strong indication that your provider revalidation phase has not begun. | |
If I have a difficult payer, do I need to complete a reasonable effort document?Yes you can. It is to show efforts made to obtain other payments from other insurers. | |
If I have two separate claims for one member, do I have to enter the claim information twice on Web Tool?Yes, you would have to submit two different claims. You can go to your submitted claim bucket and copy the claim with additional edits and changes and then resubmit it instead of rekeying two claims. | |
If I send a HIIRF, will I see anything saying it was received?No, just wait a few days and check eligibility again. | |
If I submit a claim through a vendor, will I be able to view it under Web Tool’s History?No | |
If I think my revalidation notification letter is lost in the mail, can I call the Provider Service Center and have someone give me my revalidation reference number over the phone?No. The only way to access your revalidation reference number is to have your revalidation notification letter remailed to you. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
If my third party has several addresses, which one do I choose?You would contact the company to find out which address is for your service area. | |
If providers aren’t getting remits, who can they contact?Provider Service Center/EDI | |
If the member doesn’t have an ID number for the MCO, how do we obtain it?Contact the MCO. | |