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Frequently Asked Questions
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Do all providers need to go through the provider revalidation process?All South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers will go through the provider revalidation process. The current process, however, is for all South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers who have an enrollment date 90 days prior to or on 12/03/2012. These providers are required to go through the provider revalidation process. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Do I have to request another Login and Password if more than one person wants to use the Web Tool?Yes, all users must have their own individual login ID and Password to access the Web Tool. If more than one user tries to login under the same login ID and Password, they will receive a denial message. | |
Do I need to contact South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid to schedule a site visit?No. If a site visit is needed, a Provider Relations Representative will contact you. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Do I still submit the UB-04 adjustment if I've submitted the credit balance report? | |
Do other states have provider revalidation?Yes, all 50 states have been mandated to perform provider revalidation. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Do we need to send an EOB?An Explanation of Benefits from a third party payer should be kept on file in the provider’s office, especially if the payer didn’t submit payment. | |
Do we send an EOB with claims?You do not send an EOB with claims, unless it is requested. | |
Do you file to another payer when you know services are not covered?Yes, this is considered a valid denial. | |
Do you have to ask MIVS to research TPL non-payment?No, they do this on their own to ensure payment. | |
Do you have to put in diagnosis codes?If the service you are providing requires the use of a diagnosis code, then you must enter the diagnosis code with your claim information. | |