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Frequently Asked Questions
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What happens if you void the wrong claim?If it is voided, you can submit a new claim in. | |
Can you submit two claims forms to void/replace a ten-line claim?Yes you can, as long as it is not a duplicate claim or void only; then, refile a 4-line and 6-line claim. | |
Is an adjustment only done when you have been paid?Yes, only paid claims can receive an overpayment or underpayment. | |
Will the system distinguish that a company has multiple provider numbers?Yes, make sure all their information is correct when completing the claim form. | |
Do you file to another payer when you know services are not covered?Yes, this is considered a valid denial. | |
Do you have to ask MIVS to research TPL non-payment?No, they do this on their own to ensure payment. | |
For HIPP referral, who should you contact?For HIPP referral, providers should contact the Medicaid Insurance Verification Services at 1-888-289-0709 option 5, option 4. The HIPP Fax is 803-462-2580. | |
Can you accept a member as just a private pay patient even if they have Medicaid?Yes, you just have to let them know before they receive any services. | |
Does the Medicaid card have all the information needed?No, you should further investigate eligibility using eligibility resources and the information provided on the card. | |