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Frequently Asked Questions
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Why can’t we update our enrollment profile over the phone?SCDHHS requires updates to a provider’s file to be submitted in writing on business letterhead with the provider’s or an authorized signature. Submit any updated changes via Fax: (803) 870-9022 or Mail: Medicaid Provider Enrollment, PO Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. Updates will be processed within ten (10) days of receipt. | |
How do I update the individual provider’s name?SCDHHS requires the individual provider to send in a completed/signed W9 form with the individual’s name, SSN, address and signature. Providers are also required to complete the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement Form. | |
Why are our claims denying for dates of service prior to the individual provider leaving the practice?Prior to requesting the removal of an Individual provider from your group practice ensure that the pending claims are adjudicated. However, if the provider has already been removed from the group prior to the claim(s) being adjudicated and needs to be added back to the group, submit the request on the business letterhead with the provider’s or an authorized signature via Fax: (803) 870-9022 or Mail: Medicaid Provider Enrollment, PO Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. Updates will be processed within ten (10) days of receipt. | |
What is provider revalidation?All enrolled South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers who are not Durable Medical Equipment (DME) suppliers must revalidate their enrollment criteria every five years in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. DME suppliers must revalidate every three years. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Where can I attach documentation to my Web Tool claim?On the Claim Entry screen, go to the Document tab to attach your documentation. (Effective August 17, 2015) Claims Attachments – Web Tool Reference Guide. | |
Who is mandating the provider revalidation process?This implementation is in response to directives in the standards established by Section 6401(a) of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in which CMS requires all state Medicaid agencies to implement the provider enrollment, screening, and revalidation provisions of the Affordable Care Act. These regulations were published in the Federal Register, Vol. 76, February 2, 2011, and were effective March 25, 2011. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Do other states have provider revalidation?Yes, all 50 states have been mandated to perform provider revalidation. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Is this the same thing as the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) revalidation process?The provider revalidation process for South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers and South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid DME suppliers is the same. The timeline is different. DME suppliers need to revalidate every three years. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |
Is revalidating as a provider the same thing as recertifying or updating my provider credentials?In South Carolina, no, provider revalidation is not the same thing as recertification. However, some states use terms such as “revalidating,” “recertifying” or “recredentialing” interchangeably. South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid provider revalidation could possibly be different from other states’ recertification process and certification updates required for specific provider types. For example, a certified nurse practitioner who is also a Medicaid provider needs to ensure that they have completed the provider revalidation process with South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid and that they have been recertified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. The two processes are separate. Revalidation FAQs PDF | |