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Frequently Asked Questions
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Can batches be deleted after they are sent?No. Batches cannot be deleted at this time. | |
Can I check claim status on the Web Tool?Yes. Key in the NPI or provider ID number and the member ID number and press submit. | |
How do I file a replacement claim for a paid claim that is partly incorrect?Go to the Web Tool submission page. Log in; go to claims entry/history; click on the correct batch number; click on the correct claim number; copy; click the claim type on the left; click on batch, claim; edit; scroll down to claim submission reason code; select replacement. To complete this task, you must have the original Claim Control Number (CCN). | |
How can I verify that my claims on the Web Tool have been submitted successfully? | |
Can you send me a copy of the Remittance Advice (RA)?Copies of Remittance Advice statements can be retrieved online via the Web Tool. If the remittance advice date is not available, complete a Duplicate Remittance Advice Request Form in the Forms Section of all provider manuals. There is a processing fee of $20 plus 20 cents per page copied. The charges will be deducted from a future Remittance Advice, appearing as a debit adjustment. The duplicate RA policy was enacted in December 2010. | |
Can you add beneficiaries or other information to the TAD for me? | |
Can you assist with Medicaid/bed hold billing procedures?An authorized SNF 181 along with a separate Medicare-to-Medicaid bed hold billing 181 is required. | |
Is an eligibility signature required for termination? (Nursing Home)No signature is required for terminations. | |
Can I add a member to the TAD if documentation is not approved? | |