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Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I update the individual provider’s name?SCDHHS requires the individual provider to send in a completed/signed W9 form with the individual’s name, SSN, address and signature. Providers are also required to complete the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement Form. | |
Why can’t we update our enrollment profile over the phone?SCDHHS requires updates to a provider’s file to be submitted in writing on business letterhead with the provider’s or an authorized signature. Submit any updated changes via Fax: (803) 870-9022 or Mail: Medicaid Provider Enrollment, PO Box 8809, Columbia, SC 29202-8809. Updates will be processed within ten (10) days of receipt. | |
How are MCO plans chosen for a member if they are auto-enrolled?The plan is chosen based on the member’s needs, service area, and any needed specialists. | |
If a plan doesn’t cover family planning, do we bill to Medicaid and send the EOB? | |
If the member doesn’t have an ID number for the MCO, how do we obtain it?Contact the MCO. | |
Is the EFT form used for MCOs as well?No, they have their own forms and billing systems. | |
What do you do if you contact a Primary Care Provider and they have no record of a patient?If this were to happen, you would need to contact the Managed Care Organization directly. | |
Will MCO info be available via the Web Tool?A provider can verify Managed Care Organization enrollment on the eligibility section of the Web Tool under the “Beneficiary Special Program Data” section. | |
Are program representatives organized by demographics?Yes they are, depending on service area. | |