
South Carolina Medicaid terminology: SC Web Tool, Screening Requirements, Credit Balance Reporting, Third-Party Liability, Adjustments

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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

(HIPAA) is the federal law that establishes standards for the privacy and security of health information, as well as standards for electronic data interchange (EDI) of health information.

Health Maintenance Organization

(HMO) - Health maintenance organization. When you sign up for an HMO, you choose one doctor to coordinate all your health care. This doctor, your "primary care physician," learns your entire medical history. He or she recommends care based on knowing you from head to toe. This saves you money, as opposed to going to different specialists for different aches and pains, which costs more. If you should ever need care from a specialist, your primary care physician will refer you to one in your health plan's network. HMOs help their members receive quality care at reasonable prices.

Healthy Connections Kids

Health Connections Kids is a health insurance program for uninsured children. SC Healthy Connections Kids (SCHIP)

Home Health

A facility that offers skilled nursing care and other services to patients in their homes. These include occupational, physical and speech therapies, medical social services and home health aide services.


A public agency or private organization that is primarily engaged in providing pain relief, symptom management, and supportive services to patients that are certified to be terminally ill. Medicare beneficiaries may elect to receive hospice care instead of standard Medicare benefits for terminal illnesses. Under Medicaid, beneficiaries electing hospice no longer receive Medicaid covered therapeutic service.