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South Carolina Medicaid terminology: SC Web Tool, Screening Requirements, Credit Balance Reporting, Third-Party Liability, Adjustments
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C |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | ||
CHAMPUSThe former health care program established to provide health coverage for active duty family members and retirees and their family members. TRICARE was organized as a separate office under the Assistant Secretary of Defense and replaced CHAMPUS in 1994. Benefits covered under CHAMPUS are now covered under TRICARE. | ||
Claim Control Number(CCN) is a unique control number assigned by a provider/carrier to a non-institutional claim. This field links each line item with its respective claim. | ||
CMS-1500 FormCMS- 1500 forms are the standard insurance form used by non-institutional providers all across the United States to process medical insurance claims. It is part of HIPAA to standardize all medical insurance billing. | |
contractorA person or business which provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract. | |
Current Procedural Terminology(CPT) - A systematic listing and coding of procedures and services performed by physicians. Each procedure or service is identified with a five-digit code. The use of CPT codes simplifies the reporting of services. With this coding and recording system, the procedure or service rendered by the physician is accurately identified. | ||