The Dynamics of a Really Great Butt

Like Cancer For Dog Crap

I Am the Woman AND the Man

She Loves Being Treated Like Crap

The Difference Between Girls and Women

The Difference Between Girls and Women (Part 2)

What Really Works For Us Chicks

Relax Dude I Am Not Swinging From Your Nuts

Man Skank: And No It Is Not a Cologne


Lynn's avatar


wrote on March 1 2010 @ 10:55 am: [report]


We have one of these whispering dome things at Union Terminal in Cincinnati….in theory, at least. Everyone talks about it but I’ve never gotten it to work.



mas185's avatar


wrote on March 1 2010 @ 11:47 am: [report]


I was all set to post an “awww wha.t a cute story” comment. But after reading all your proposal plans all I can do is laugh. Haha thanks guys ;0)




and afterwords ate cake.


I think that’s awesome!


If I ever get proposed to I like it to be either extremely out there (think sky diving, explosions, something completely ridiculous) or one like kr70707’s, nothing in between though ...



thesinglest's avatar


wrote on March 1 2010 @ 11:55 am: [report]


personally i just want it to be a surprise. like him waiting outside the bathroom door with a ring on a random tuesday or something.

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