Can you resubmit the same claim via the Web Tool?Yes, if you submit a new claim, you will get a new CCN. |
Can you send me a copy of the Remittance Advice (RA)?Copies of Remittance Advice statements can be retrieved online via the Web Tool. If the remittance advice date is not available, complete a Duplicate Remittance Advice Request Form in the Forms Section of all provider manuals. There is a processing fee of $20 plus 20 cents per page copied. The charges will be deducted from a future Remittance Advice, appearing as a debit adjustment. The duplicate RA policy was enacted in December 2010. |
Can you submit two claims forms to void/replace a ten-line claim?Yes you can, as long as it is not a duplicate claim or void only; then, refile a 4-line and 6-line claim. |
Can you use the Web Tool for adjustments, if you filed through a clearinghouse?Yes, you may submit an adjustment through the Web Tool, even if the original claim was filed using a clearinghouse – as long as it is within 15-18 months. However, UB-04 (Institutional) billers must file adjustments in the same medium as the original claim. |
Do all providers need to go through the provider revalidation process?All South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers will go through the provider revalidation process. The current process, however, is for all South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid providers who have an enrollment date 90 days prior to or on 12/03/2012. These providers are required to go through the provider revalidation process. Revalidation FAQs PDF |
Do I have to request another Login and Password if more than one person wants to use the Web Tool?Yes, all users must have their own individual login ID and Password to access the Web Tool. If more than one user tries to login under the same login ID and Password, they will receive a denial message. |
Do I need to contact South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid to schedule a site visit?No. If a site visit is needed, a Provider Relations Representative will contact you. Revalidation FAQs PDF |
Do I still submit the UB-04 adjustment if I've submitted the credit balance report? |
Do other states have provider revalidation?Yes, all 50 states have been mandated to perform provider revalidation. Revalidation FAQs PDF |
Do we need to send an EOB?An Explanation of Benefits from a third party payer should be kept on file in the provider’s office, especially if the payer didn’t submit payment. |