Saturday, May 4, 2024, 9:03 AM
Site: Healthy Connections Medicaid E-Learning
Course: Learning Resources (Learning Resources)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

How can you find out MHN info for a beneficiary?

A provider can verify Medical Homes Network enrollment on the eligibility section of the Web Tool under the “Beneficiary Special Program Data” section.

If a beneficiary isn’t eligible, will the Web Tool show ineligible?

Yes, information is listed in red.

If you are checking a new person’s eligibility, can you add them to your recipient list from that screen?

Yes, there is a button to do that.

If the Web Tool says they have 2 visits but the beneficiary goes somewhere else, how do we know if they have anymore visits?

Web Tool is updated nightly; you should always check and if they are out of visits, let them know before providing services.

Is the Web Tool updated daily?

Yes, the Web Tool is updated every night.

What is an MHN referral number?

If your service requires a referral, the MHN gives you an authorization number.

Will MCO info be available via the Web Tool?

A provider can verify Managed Care Organization enrollment on the eligibility section of the Web Tool under the “Beneficiary Special Program Data” section.

When should eligibility be checked?

You should check before providing services.

Can you resubmit a denied claim once correct on Web Tool?

Yes. Copy the claim, correct it, and submit it.

Can you file Medicaid as secondary on Web Tool?

Yes, providers must file to all other payers and then input that information (received money) on the claim form on the Web Tool. There is a place to identify the hierarchy.