Monday, May 6, 2024, 5:35 PM
Site: Healthy Connections Medicaid E-Learning
Course: Learning Resources (Learning Resources)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

Can you accept a beneficiary as just a private pay patient even if they have Medicaid?

Yes, you just have to let them know before they receive any services.

Does the Medicaid card have all the information needed?

No, you should further investigate eligibility using eligibility resources and the information provided on the card.

Is the Web Tool updated daily?

Yes, the Web Tool is updated every night.

If I send a HIIRF, will I see anything saying it was received?

No, just wait a few days and check eligibility again.

How do patients learn updated information?

Patients learn of updates at their enrollment anniversary dates, or you may share information with them.

If a Health Insurance Information Referral Form (HIIRF) is completed with no documentation, will the beneficiary's TPL record be updated?

No, MIVS will further investigate and draft a letterhead showing steps taken.

What do you do if monies are sent to the patient?

Change them to self pay after or before service completion.

Can MIVS track down where other payer’s money goes if you are not paid?

No, but they can contact other payers to obtain payment information.

How long do you have to request a hearing for an appeal?

You have 30 days to request a hearing.

If my third party has several addresses, which one do I choose?

You would contact the company to find out which address is for your service area.