Friday, May 3, 2024, 10:37 AM
Site: Healthy Connections Medicaid E-Learning
Course: Learning Resources (Learning Resources)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

Are program representatives organized by demographics?

Yes they are, depending on service area.

Does a beneficiary have to be on Medicaid to qualify for HIPP?

No, but they must be Medicaid eligible.

How often are provider manuals updated?

Provider manuals are usually updated monthly based on program area.

Who updates the website for manuals?

MCCS sends the updates and changes once received from DHHS.

Where can you find an out of state referral form?

That form can be found on

If a beneficiary doesn’t have their copay, can you refuse them?

No, as a Medicaid provider you cannot refuse a beneficiary if they do not have their copay.

What do you do if a beneficiary is out of visit counts?

When checking eligibility, you will see what visit counts they have left. You can request more from your representative or treat them as a self pay.

For ambulatory care, are children under 19 exempt from copay?

Children under 19 are exempt from all copays.

Can you only see a certain amount of beneficiaries?

Yes, but you must have a visible sign stating so.

Can you export data from Web Tool?

Not at this time, however you can print screen and save it as a file.