Monday, February 10, 2025, 11:21 AM
Site: Healthy Connections Medicaid E-Learning
Course: Learning Resources (Learning Resources)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the payment cycle?

The payment cycle is: Wed-Mon, payments are processed on Tuesday, and payment is received as early as Friday.

What should I do if one line does not pay on your claim?

Correct and refile that one line.

When would you use a void?

You would use a void if you bill for something by mistake; accidental claim submission, for example.

Where are your procedure codes located?

Procedure codes are located in Section 4 of your manual and the DHHS website.

Where can carrier codes be located?

Carrier Codes can be located in Appendix 2 of the Provider Manual.

Where can you find an out of state referral form?

That form can be found on

Where do you get the bulletins?

You can sign up for e-bulletin on the page.

Where is the Provider Service Center located?

It is housed at MCCS.

Who updates the website for manuals?

MCCS sends the updates and changes once received from DHHS.

Can I add a member to the TAD if documentation is not approved?

You must have authorized signed documentation in order to add a member to your TAD. You should not add a member before the DHHS 181 is forwarded to DHHS Medicaid Eligibility for approval. Contact your Eligibility office if additional information is needed.