Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 6:24 PM
Site: Healthy Connections Medicaid E-Learning
Course: Learning Resources (Learning Resources)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I handwrite on the claim forms?

Yes you can, or you use a printing service.

Does the Medicaid card have all the information needed?

No, you should further investigate eligibility using eligibility resources and the information provided on the card.

How are MCO plans chosen for a member if they are auto-enrolled?

The plan is chosen based on the member’s needs, service area, and any needed specialists.

How can you get copies of enrollment letters?

To receive a copy of a member’s enrollment letter, they may contact Healthy Connections Choices or the member’s plan (that they were enrolled into).

How do patients learn updated information?

Patients learn of updates at their enrollment anniversary dates, or you may share information with them.

How does Medicaid know what the provider is receiving from another carrier/third party payer?

There are spaces/sections on the claim form that identify what you receive from the other carrier.

How often are provider manuals updated?

Provider manuals are usually updated monthly based on program area.

If the member doesn’t have an ID number for the MCO, how do we obtain it?

Contact the MCO.

What do you do if a member is out of visit counts?

When checking eligibility, you will see what visit counts they have left. You can request more from your representative or treat them as a self pay.

What do you do if you contact a Primary Care Provider and they have no record of a patient?

If this were to happen, you would need to contact the Managed Care Organization directly.